Factory 2 in Cloppenburg
Investments Worth € 8.5 Million are Manifesting
The largest production site of the Lumberg Group located in Lower-Saxony’s Cloppenburg will be given a total facelift. It is here that Lumberg ...
The largest production site of the Lumberg Group located in Lower-Saxony’s Cloppenburg will be given a total facelift. It is here that Lumberg ...
Schalksmühle/Cloppenburg, 25.9.2015. The partnership between Lumberg, a family-run manufacturer of quality connectors and Semtech GmbH based ...
Cloppenburg, 4.8.2015. For precisely 82 years, the globally-operating manufacturer of connectors and contact systems with in-house development ...
Schalksmühle, 3.8.2015. For precisely 82 years, the globally-operating manufacturer of connectors and contact systems with in-house development ...
Schalksmühle, 17.7.2015. The many requirements from a large variety of applications within the automotive industry as well as other fields in ...
Schalksmühle, 20.02.2015. Direct mating for PCBs has always been closely tied to heater equipment and for some years now, it has also been extensively ...
6馆, A110展位, 隆堡 Lumberg Connect GmbH
11.1馆, C30展位, 隆堡 Lumberg Connect GmbH
W4馆, 700展位, 隆堡电子(上海)有限公司
206展位, 隆堡 Lumberg, Inc.
Lumberg, Inc.
Lumberg Connect GmbH
A5馆, 200展位, 隆堡 Lumberg Connect GmbH
3展位, 隆堡 Lumberg Connect GmbH
隆堡 Lumberg Asia Pacific Pte. Ltd.
隆堡 Lumberg Connect GmbH
隆堡 Lumberg, Inc.
5馆, 5301展位, 隆堡 Lumberg Connect GmbH
Lumberg, Inc.
B1馆, 520展位, 隆堡 Lumberg Connect GmbH
隆堡 Lumberg Connect GmbH
隆堡 Lumberg Connect GmbH
B2馆, 207展位, 隆堡 Lumberg Connect GmbH